Building & Construction Courses in Australia

Building & Construction Courses in Australia

Studying building and construction courses can lead to a wide range of career chances in the construction industry, together with working for large and small construction firms or even running your own business.

Building construction is what keeps our cities growing and developing; it also helps with our economy flowing and running smoothly and gives hundreds of thousands of peopleemployment. As one of the most imperative industries in Australia, it’s not only growing swiftly but it is also considered as the home of the ‘Million-dollar Trades’, with the potential to make big cash if you’re enthusiastic and keen to put in the hard work and demands that come with the job.

Whether you’re considering getting a builder’s license or acquiring a new trade, now is the perfect time to do it.

The construction industry at present represents over 9% of the total labor forces in Australia and is likely to increase to 1.3 million employees by 2021.

Courses Available

  • Certificate II in Construction
  • Certificate II in Construction Pathways.
  • Certificate III in Carpentry
  • Certificate IV in Building and Construction.
  • Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services.
  • Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety.
  • Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)

Career Opportunities:

  • Builder
  • Carpenter
  • Electrician
  • Plumber
  • Drafter
  • Construction Manager
  • Building Technician
  • Laborer
  • Construction Manager