
The Australian Award Scholarship, formerly known as the Australian Development Scholarship (ADS), provides people in developing countries, especially those in the Pacific Ocean region of India, with full-time undergraduate or postgraduate studies at participating Australian universities and technical and further education colleges Learning opportunities. Educational (TAFE) institutions.

Areas where scholarships are offered

Undergraduate or postgraduate courses related to the priority development areas of your country are listed in the profile of the participating country.

The Australian Grand Prize does not apply to training in areas related to flying aircraft, nuclear technology or military training.
Destination Australia

The Australian Tourism Destination Program (DAP) is a new transportation plan for the government of Australia for both national and international students studying in the region. More than 1,000 scholarships will be provided each year to support domestic and foreign students studying at regional campus locations with Level IV and above certificates. Australian colleges and universities will be able to apply for a scholarship of up to A $ 15,000 per student per year.

Australian Government Research and Training Program (RTP)

Effective January 1, 2017, the Research Training Program (RTP) replaced the International Graduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) program. Find more information about the “Research Training Program” on the Ministry of Education website. Applications for these scholarships are submitted directly to participating universities.

Australian APEC Women's Fellowship

The Australian APEC Women ’s Research Scholarship is open to high-achieving female researchers from APEC economies and gain opportunities in various research fields. The purpose of the scholarship is to support the economic empowerment of women in the APEC region and to enhance the image of women role models in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Learn more about the Australian APEC Women ’s Research Scholarship.

Provider Scholarship

Australian education providers regularly provide scholarships to eligible international students based on academic achievement. Consult the admissions team or international office of the provider you want to apply for further advice and information.

Here are some universities participating in the scholarship programs:

  • Charles Darwin University
  • Charles Sturt University
  • Edith Cowan University
  • Federation University
  • Flinders University
  • Swinburne University of Technology
  • TAFE Queensland
  • University of The Sunshine Coast
  • Victoria University
  • William Angliss Institute of TAFE
  • Southern Cross University
  • Melbourne Institute of Technology
  • Melbourne Polytechnic
  • Asia Pacific International College (APIC)
  • Stott’s College
  • Holmes Institute

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