Discounted OSHC

Save Up to 50% on Couple or Family OSHC

We can help International Students living with spouse or family to save up to 50% on COUPLE OR FAMILY OSHC!

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Providing amazing OHSC at a discounted rate

Providing amazing OHSC at a discounted rate

We’re consultants that want to provide the best quality service that you can rely on. So many of our successful customers have received high-quality OHSC at a discounted price.
Our services are focused on providing customers the best service possible, this includes our customer support, emergency helpline, claims processing and billing and more.
Student visa requirements

Student visa requirements

The Australian Government, through the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, requires all student visa holders to maintain OSHC during their stay in Australia.
According to visa requirements, from July 1, 2010, students must obtain OSHC within the validity period of the proposed student visa. If overseas students extend the duration of their student visa, they must update their OSHC policy.
OSHC is mandatory for student visas.

OSHC is mandatory for student visas.

OHSC is mandatory for student visas, if you do not maintain OSHC, your visa can be cancelled by the government of Australia.
OHSC has many benefits for students and it’s important to have it.
Services not covered by your policy:

Services not covered by your policy:

One. Services provided by physical therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, natural therapists or any other ancillary services.
b. Drugs, medicines, or other treatments that have not been prescribed by a doctor or that are not included in the Drug Benefits Schedule.

C. Any expenses related to dental treatment unless the services provided meet the requirements of the Medical Insurance Benefits Schedule.
d. Optical charge.

d. Optical charge.

e. Co-payments and / or default payments that you are required to pay under Australian law or because the medical service provider charges more than Medicare Benefits Schedule Fee.
F. The service fee charged by a doctor or hospital is not included in the benefits covered by your policy.
General exclusion
What if I forget to renew OSHC?

What if I forget to renew OSHC?

You are responsible for ensuring that your OSHC is always effective.
If you allow the policy during the student visa to lapse and you wish to renew the OSHC during the student visa, you must pay the premium for the lapse period and the claims paid during the period of validity are not paid.
Inner Peace

Inner Peace

Overseas students are ineligible for Medicare (exclusively for Australian residents, it’s a public health insurance).
Without medical insurance, overseas students may have difficulty paying for medical expenses. In most cases, the cost of hospitalization per day will exceed $ 1500.

OHSC is for overseas students. You are a foreign student, if you are:
• A student visa holder; or
• is a student visa applicant; and Is the holder of a bridge visa;
• Before obtaining the transitional visa, the student visa holder.

As long as the policy applies to an appropriate family plan (including dual family and multi-family policies in effect), the spouses of unmarried overseas students under the age of 18, de facto children or stepchildren can enjoy the protection of the policy. From January 1, 2012). If the person is no longer a family member for OSHC purposes, he or she will need to seek other health insurance options.

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